4 Key Benefits Of Solar Farming

4 Key Benefits Of Solar Farming

In the last decade, Solar farming has grown from experimental technology to something nearly everyone can take advantage of. While it is still an unknown entity to many people, one thing is for sure: Solar farming is not going anywhere anytime soon. 

If we consider Kenya as the testing ground, most smallholder farmers depend on rainfall to irrigate their crops. In reality, only about 2% of farmland in Kenya is irrigated, which poses a problem for the majority of Kenyan farmers. However, SunCulture has efficiently helped farmers overcome their everyday challenges by empowering them with Solar power.

This article provides an overview of four benefits you should be aware of before taking the plunge into the world of Solar farming!

But first, do you still depend on rain to irrigate, and is your farming business struggling to grow? It is time you make the shift to Solar farming to transform your life.

Why is Solar farming better than conventional techniques?

Nowadays, Solar energy is converting agricultural lands into smart farms to help farmers with water shortages, modern techniques, and sustainable energy sources. Using Solar energy over traditional farming practices is more beneficial for any farm because:

  • Conventional equipment like petrol or diesel generators contaminate the environment with sound and air pollution, whereas Solar-powered solutions are pollution-free.
  • Solar farming techniques allow smallholders to save immensely on fuel costs and automate farming tasks, which frees up their days for other important work.

Benefits of switching to Solar farming

1. No dependency on rain

Smallholders rely on rain for crop irrigation. Nevertheless, irregular rains can seriously damage the crop yield. Solar power is a suitable answer for farmers who endure frequent water crunches. The Solar-powered system converts Solar radiation directly into electricity at the farm and automatically fetches water from nearby sources. It means farmers do not have to worry about erratic rainfall anymore, empowering them to grow crops faster and better.

2. Efficient savings

Solar energy is considerably cheaper than utilizing fossil fuels for power. Besides, we say, it is similar to opening a savings account. 

Increasing energy prices make Solar panels more economical as well as environment friendly. On average, a Solar system can fulfil more than 50% of your electricity needs and is one of many ways you can begin saving money on monthly power bills and additional fuel expenses.

Implementing Solar farming methods gives farmers a high return on investment over a long period, saves their precious time, improves productivity, and has the least maintenance costs. With all these benefits, they can use their farmland more effectively.

Here’s How to Get Started: If you want to benefit from Solar farming right away, speak with an expert or apply at SunCulture. The experts will help guide you through each step of the process—from designing a customized solution for your farm to getting all necessary installations—and answer any questions along the way.

3. Pollution-free

One of the major reasons to use Solar energy for farming is the opportunity for a sustainable and clean energy source. 

The agriculture sector has been at the centre of fierce debates about global warming. Since Solar panels rely on sunlight, which is a renewable resource, it means that your energy production is not contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Besides, it can help reduce them. 

In this context, Solar energy is the only feasible solution to minimize the negative environmental impact of the agriculture sector. It does not emit any harmful gases and produces no noises like a diesel generator, keeping the surroundings liveable and pollution-free.

4. Affordable power storage

Whether it’s anticipating water or energy crises for their farmland, or simply, wanting a reliable and constant power supply, farmers need to be able to save energy. 

Increasing access to Solar energy also makes Solar power storage more feasible. Solar batteries hold onto excess energy during sunny periods so that you can use it whenever you need to. 

The affordable storage of Solar energy using Lithium-ion batteries has become a widespread option for farmers using Solar energy to power their fields at the push of a button.

At SunCulture, we provide a range of effective Solar-powered products for smallholders. Chat +254-700-327-002 or call toll-free number 080 0721042 now to reap the best benefits!