
Otua Godfrey, Bar Opuua, Lira City

Otua Godfrey, Bar Opuua, Lira City

Mr. Otua Godfrey, a 54-year-old former banker turned dedicated vegetable farmer, exemplifies resilience and innovation in Bar Opuua Village, Lira City, Northern Uganda.
Case Study

Otua Godfrey, Bar Opuua, Lira City

Mr. Otua Godfrey, a 54-year-old former banker turned dedicated vegetable farmer, exemplifies resilience and innovation in Bar Opuua Village, Lira City, Northern Uganda. Lira City is an economic hub known for agricultural produce sales, food vending, and animal trade, but it faces the challenge of a dry climate lasting up to 136 days annually due to changing weather patterns.

Mr. Godfrey’s transformation began with a radio advertisement that piqued his interest in SunCulture’s Solar Water pumps. Before this, he relied on shallow wells and petrol-powered pumps for irrigation, which proved unsustainable due to high petrol costs. The adoption of SunCulture’s solar irrigation system marked a significant shift in his farming practices. The system efficiently pumps water to his garden tank, enabling the use of drip irrigation, installed by SunCulture, to provide a constant water supply to his vegetable garden year-round.

This reliable water source has allowed Mr. Godfrey to diversify his crops, growing high-value vegetables such as eggplants, green peppers, carrots, and onions. His farm, known as “Green Farm,” not only sustains his livelihood through local vegetable sales but also serves as a community inspiration. Fellow farmers visit to learn and adopt his sustainable practices.

Mr. Godfrey’s farm is a testament to the potential of sustainable agriculture, showcasing the benefits of SunCulture’s innovative solutions. His success contributes to the economic and agricultural development of Lira City, embodying the spirit of progress and prosperity
